II International Ethical Insurance Forum
The insurance sector is a key actor in the financial system and is also responsible for omnipresent services in the daily lives of citizens and companies. Thanks to its volume of investments and the people and projects under its coverage, it is an essential element to understand our society. Precisely for these reasons, it is necessary to advance in the incorporation of ethical and supportive values in the practices of the sector.
The II International Forum on Ethical Insurance will serve as a meeting point and collective reflection where we can learn about international experiences that incorporate this ethical perspective into the insurance sector, as well as give visibility to those entities that have already made this commitment in our country. We are organizing a conference that will bring together different prominent voices from the professional field to continue promoting Ethical Insurance and face the future challenges of the sector as a whole.
November 7, 2024
Hub Social (C/Girona, 34, interior)
Institutional welcome
Inaugural conference by
- Càtedra Internacional de Finances Sostenibles by UPF Barcelona School of Management – (Marcos Eguiguren Huerta -to be confirmed)
Table on the inclusion of ethical values in the insurance world, led by international and local networks in the sector. By
- AMICE (Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe) Sarah Goddard – Secretary General of AMICE
- Federació Mutualitats de Catalunya. Jordi Busquet – President of Federació de Mutualitats de Catalunya and General Manager of Previsora General
11 a.m.-11.30 a.m.
Coffee break
11:30-12:30 a.m.
Table on ethically oriented investments in the insurance world. By
- FEBEA (European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers). Daniel Sorrosal – Secretary General of FEBEA
Reale Seguros. Javier Puelles – Investment Director at Reale Compañía de Seguros
- Correduría SERYES. David Sánchez Humanes – General Manager at SERYES
Round table on the challenges in the creation of ethical insurance products and some examples of good practices at international and local level by
- Arç Cooperativa. Alfonso B. Bolado – Executive Coordinator at Arç Cooperativa
- CAES (Consorzio Assicurativo Etico Solidale) Italia
Seguros Lagun Aro. Javier Gómez – Non-Life and Reinsurance Director at Seguros Lagun Aro
- Insurance sector: companies, mutual societies and brokerages interested in ethical insurance
- Area of ethical and supportive finance
- Social sector interested in ethical insurance
- Public administrations
- Scope of socially responsible investments and social responsibility