EthSI label Assessment Committee

The Assessment Committee awarding the EthSI label is an independent committee consisting of people belonging to the social economy and organised civil society, with a clear desire for social transformation. The committee currently consists of the following members:

Aitziber Mugarra

Universidad de Deusto

Enrique del Río

Asociación Proempleo

Jesús Carrión

Col·lectiu RETS y Colectivo Ronda

Jordi Garcia

L’Apòstrof, SCCL

Jordi Marí

Asociación Fiare Catalunya

Jorge Berezo

Oikocredit Euskadi

Raúl Contreras

Nittúa, Plataforma para el cambio social

Salvador Seliva


The Assessment Committee carries out its assessment based on the data provided by the organisation and the report drawn up by the technical team of the Ethical Finance Observatory (FETS). This committee is the one that makes the decision about whether or not to award the mark and the level achieved. At the same time, the Assessment Committee also makes recommendations about aspects to be improved and makes specific requirements for maintaining the certification.

If you are interested in beginning the assessment process, you can contact us and we will provide you with all the information needed to begin the procedures.