Ethical insurance into the Spanish Barometer of Ethical and Solidarity Finance 2017
The Ethical Finance Observatory has presented the State Barometer of Ethical and Solidarity Finance 2017 with data on the growth of ethical finance during the year and, for the first time, incorporating data related to ethical insurance.

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The insurance world is part of the group of non-monetary entities of the Spanish financial system. The premium volume of the insurance sector at the end of 2017 was 64,514 million euros and it managed a volume of 288,200 million in investments, according to data from the Report of the General Directorate of Insurance (DGS) of 2017.
Among the ethical insurers, we observe that the entities registered by the EthSi seal (Ethical Solidarity Based Insurance) manage a volume of premiums of 648,457,159 euros, which represents 1.01% of the total volume of premiums in the Spanish insurance sector.
In the chapter on investments made by ethical insurance companies, these exceed 1,664 million euros. Regarding the volume of policies, insurance companies and mutuals registered by the EthSI seal have managed more than 1.8 million policies in 2017.
In the field of insurance mediation, ethical brokerages have managed a volume of practically 12 million euros in intermediated premiums and more than 15,000 policies covering nearly 255,000 individuals and legal entities during 2017.
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