
Noves corredories s’incorporen al Segell EthSI
Entre corredories, companyies i mutualitats, ja són 13 les entitats registrades al segell de les assegurances ètiques. Després d’analitzar-ne els diferents criteris i indicadors, i

Incorporació de tres noves entitats al segell de les assegurances ètiques i solidàries
Segell Ethsi Con las últimas entidades registradas por el sello europeo EthSI, Mutua Levante, Mussap y la correduría Asegurados Solidarios, se consolida otra manera de

Memòria 2022 del Segell EthSI
Los datos presentados por el Observatorio de las Finanzas Éticas muestran que el sector asegurador ético gestiona cerca de 4,7 millones de pólizas con un

Formación en València sobre Seguros Éticos
El pasado martes 28 de marzo se ha celebrado en Valencia la jornada formativa “Seguros éticos y economía sostenible. Una realidad al servicio del sector

The paths of Nortlan and Arç meet to continue moving forward together
Two entities certified by the EthSI seal join forces in the promotion of ethical insurance. Nortlan, the first brokerage of ethical and solidarity insurance from

Interview with Pablo Mongelos, CEO of Seguros Lagun Aro
Interview from the magazine Voice number 90 of the International Federation of Cooperatives and Mutual Insurance (ICMIF) “Cooperative values are at the heart of

Solidarity and posturing
Can insurance really be a tool for solidarity? For us the answer is easy: it can and must be. But there is no solidarity if

Ethical insurance into the Spanish Barometer of Ethical and Solidarity Finance 2017
The Ethical Finance Observatory has presented the State Barometer of Ethical and Solidarity Finance 2017 with data on the growth of ethical finance during the

Principles for sustainability in insurance
At the Rio+20 Sustainable Development Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro, the Principles for Sustainability in Insurance were presented. Unsplash Lukasz This initiative, promoted and

For ethically exemplary management of the insurance sector
Insurers form part of the everyday lives of people. Although we are not aware of it, they are behind any activity giving us peace of